Key Program Successful Outcomes

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Program Successes


Key's commitment to quality has led to a high percentage of successful outcomes for youth and families served through Key's various service models. Key measures these outcomes as the percentage of successful discharges from each of its programs. A successful discharge in community residential programs or in a non-residential program occurs when the youth and/or family has met their treatment plan goals. For Key's shelter programs, a successful discharge is measured by the percentage of youth successfully completing their temporary placement.

For the fiscal year FY 2023 (7/1/2022 - 6/30/2023), Key discharged 1,117 youth and families in a variety of programs. The gender identity ages 5 and above were forty-nine percent (49% ) male, 47% female, 1% transgender, 1% non-binary, 1% other, and 1% under 5 years old.  Seventy percent (70%) of the youth served agency-wide were 15 years old and older and 30% of the youth were 14 and younger.  Of the youth and families served across the agency, 44% were Caucasian, 30% Latino/Hispanic, 10% Black, 1% Asian, 14% Bi-Racial/Multi-Racial, and 1% other. 

Key had successful discharge outcomes of 90% in its emergency residence programs, 97% in its family support programs, 76% in its group care programs, 84% in its intensive treatment residence programs, and 93% in its outreach and tracking programs.


Rhode Island

For the fiscal year FY 2023 (7/1/2022 - 6/30/2023), Rhode Island Key discharged 163 youth and families from a variety of programs. The gender identity ages 5 and above were fifty-one percent (51%) male, 42% female, 1% transgender, 1% non-binary, and 5% under 5 years old.  Thirty-one percent (31%) of youth served were 15 and older and 69% were 14 and younger.  Of the youth and families served 44% were Caucasian, 16% Latino/Hispanic, 9% Black, and 31% Bi-Racial/Multi-Racial.

Rhode Island had successful discharge outcomes of 97% in its Enhanced Family Support Services (EFSS) and Triple P programs and 76% in its Bridge to Independence program.